Administrative Services Branch Management

  • To plan, make or have the strategic plan, budget, accounting, personnel and similar
    administrative activities related to business and transactions covering the activities of the
  • To meet the needs of the unit employees by determining the fixtures and consumed needs of
    the Presidency and by providing these needs.
  • Keeping the records of the fixtures belonging to the Presidency and embezzling them in
    accordance with the law and regulation. Checking the entries and exits of the fixed stuff
    regularly according to the list and reporting the year-end movable accounts.
  • Keeping the personal files of the personnel of the Department. To carry out correspondence
    and follow-up of personnel affairs regarding leave, rest, initiation, resignation, registration
    reports, course, promotion, death, marriage and retirement transactions. To inform the Head
    of Department and relevant units about these follow-up results.
  • To provide the necessary goods and materials, to make and have the purchasing and
    distribution processes done, and to provide uninterrupted service in addition to this.